Why the F2000 Championship Series You Ask?

February 26, 2009
What is the F2000 Chamionship Series? A professional race series put on by racers with racers in mind. Show up, act like an adult, and you’ll be treated like an adult. You’ll not be lectured if your decals are 1/2 inch off center. This is a series that wants to see great racing.

Let’s review a little background. I’m older than you, …hell, I’m older than dirt. I’m almost as old as Rand. I started hanging on fences watching road races in 1962. I camped in the infield at Road Atlanta in 1970 for the first Runoffs at that famous venue. I have always had a special attraction to open wheel racing, especially the highly competitive small bore classes.

Remembering the 2006 Runoffs in Holy Topeka. I was on the false grid. I was watching utter #$@%^ confusion. Dave Weitzenhof was screaming from the cockpit of his Citation. Tim Minor was standing up in the seat of his Van Dieman begging (a.k.a. screaming) at the officials for sanity. I believe it was one of the worse memories in the annals of FC racing history. Why? Because the officials thought they were more important than the racing.

Now, look back at the last three years of the F2000 Championship Series. What do you remember as Matt McDonough (‘06), Cole Morgan(‘07), and Anders Krohn(‘08) won pro series championships? No brainer. You remember highly competitive racing. True champions winning over top quality fields. A simple formula. Close racing with highly competitive fields at some of the most famous venues in the free world. The officials are not important, they are in the background, the racers are what is important.

What is the F2000 Chamionship Series? A professional race series put on by racers with racers in mind. Show up, act like an adult, and you’ll be treated like an adult. You’ll not be lectured if your decals are 1/2 inch off center. This is a series that wants to see great racing.

Act like a butt, and you’ll have Mike Rand to deal with. Yes, that Mike Rand. He is no pretender. The real deal. He was winning championships before your parents thought they could be parents. He won championships before wings were upside down and on race cars. Don’t cross him. He’s been there already. He’s heard it already. He knows what is heads-up racing and what isn’t. You’re not going to BS your way past the “Series Director”. But… if you race clean, and win, he’ll be the first with his hand out to congratulate you. And, you’ll get your check that day, not a promise to be paid at the end of the season.

This is a Series based on the concept that F2000 cars are a fantastic racing platform to display great racing ability. Just look back at over a decade of previous champions in the old USAC series, the Cooper Series, and more recently the F2000 Championship Series. Great racing names like Sellers, Howard, et. al. The Series principals Bob Wright, Al Guibord, and Mike Rand thought putting great FC/F2000 cars on the track together, without the confusion of other classes, and letting them race fairly for a championship was a beautiful thing. So they anted up and created the F2000 Championship Series. Racers wanting to see great racing. Jeez…What a concept. Who’d a thunck it?

A little over six weeks from now the F2000 Series rolls into its 4th season. Never ones to rest on their laurels, the management asked participants last year for suggestions for improvement. Many drivers said, “improve the freaking website” ( not exactly those words J ). We listened, and we launched the new improved, heavy duty website earlier this month. Think regular weekly updates. Current info. That’s the easy part. Our plans are bigger than that. We want to pump race info out to you as it’s happening. We hope to have live reports on this site from the track. If all goes well with the design, we’ll be posting qualifying and race results straight from the tower after every session. If you are wired, you won’t even have to wander down to the Series trailer to see where you qualified.

Hey, we are listening. It’s 2009, not 1979. Chris Camadella and Monty Mathisen have built a robust website to handle the info, and Monty will be at the track gathering pictures, stories, and data and posting as fast as possible. Brad and Patty Baer, probably the best timing and scoring team on the planet, are going to post results straight from their offices in the tower. Janice Eakin will be out around the track capturing the action on one of her trusty Nikons and handing them to Monty for the fast upload. We are even working on possible video segments.

It’s February and colder than a well driller’s … feet, but we’re looking ahead to April and the Series opener at Virginia International Raceway. Are you going to be there? or do you have some wanker excuse? F2000 cars on the track with only F2000 cars. Lots of track time. Some of the best drivers in the world. No whining, no excuses. Just kick-ass racing. Be there. If not, check this site out regularly to see what you are missing.

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