VIR Penalties

June 16, 2016

Formula Race Promotions Officials have issued the following penalties after the VIR event:

Car No. 3:

June 5, 2016 – Race 2

At the approach to the finish line, # 90 was in the lead, in the middle of the track, followed on his right by #82 and on his left by # 81. All 3 of these cars were within the length of car #90. Car #3 was directly behind #90 and with no place to go, contacted the rear of #90 and pushed #90 for several feet across the finish line.

This is considered avoidable contact (PRR and has no place within the SCCA Pro Racing Regulations.

Car #3 is penalized as follows:

A fine of $500 and loss of 15 championship points.

Car No. 82:

June 5, 2016 – Race 2

Both car #07 and car #82 were racing through turn 12 (Oak Tree). Car #82 attempted to pass #07 on the right at the exit of the turn. After riding on the inside curbing #82 appears to have momentarily lost control such that the LF wheel of #82 contacted the RR wheel of #07, causing #07 to spin.

This is considered avoidable contact (PRR

Car #82 is penalized as follows:

Points deduction to reflect #82 finishing behind #07 (from 3rd to 9th) – a loss of 14 points.

Car No. 90:

June 5, 2016 – Race 2

On the backstretch car #90 is to the left of center on the track. As car #82 approaches him, #90 moves to his right causing #82 to go into the grass. This is a block and is in violation of; and

Car #90 is penalized as follows:

Loss of 5 championship points.

Car No. 81:

June 5, 2016 – Race 2

A video review of actions on the back straight indicate that in reaction to car #3 coming up on car #81 on the left side, that #81 deliberately moves left in front of #3 in a blocking maneuver. This is in violation of PRR

Car #81 is penalized as follows:

Loss of 5 championship points.

Car No. 81:

June 5, 2016 – Race 2

A video review shows car #81 moving so as to block car #90 near the end of the back straight. This is in violation of PRR

Car #81 in penalized as follows:

Loss of 5 championship points.

Car No. 82:

June 5, 2016 – Race 3

Approaching Turn 1 car #82 was overtaking car #24 on the right of #24. Contact was made between the LF wheel of #82 and the RR wheel of #24. Video review shows that this was avoidable contact (PRR and has no place in SCCA Professional Racing.

Car #82 is penalized as follows:

A fine of $500 and loss of championship points such that the finish reflects #82 finishing behind #24 (loss of 4 points plus an additional 10 points for his 2nd contact of the weekend. That is a total of 14 points lost.

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