Livengood: Blog 5 Part 2 of 2

August 4, 2010

We have eclipsed the halfway point of the season.  It amazes me that the season has gone so quickly.  Of the four tracks we have visited, I haven’t seen a single one prior.  Lime Rock represented the ultimate of the unvisited tracks for me whereas the final two weekends at Road America and Mid Ohio respectively will finally present me with familiar territory.  Showing up to track knowing that you are behind the curve grew tiresome over the year.  Because of this, my excitement and confidence for the final two events is higher than ever.

In regards to Lime Rock, I cannot avoid the feeling that for some and hopefully non-repeating reason I momentarily lost sight of my axiom.  That, of course, being my unofficial mantra of all of my articles and in many cases my unspoken goal of constant improvement.  What happened?  It’s complicated, and embarrassingly, primarily my fault.  Suffice to say, I made a decision that in hindsight was totally incorrect and resulted in a weekend ending scuffle.  I am attempting to boil the weekend down to something along the lines of an unknown unknown.  But perhaps I am momentarily better painted squeamish.

Moving on, Elkhart brings to me experience, familiarity, and Siebkens, more about Siebkens later.  The track of course is epic!  Four or so miles long, tree lined, and with some real ball busting corners the track will certainly offer the ever tightening F2000 Championship Series field an excellent stage to perform.  What challenges does this event have offer?  Long straights are one of the main ones the team has been looking into.  Getting a good solid straight-line package on the car is what we are looking at.  Another challenge, Siebkens.  Yeah, I told you I would come back to that.  That place can be too much fun.  Seriously now, Road America can be a tricky place and we will have to be on our toes to run up front.

Avoiding further pontificating I am going to conclude with just a few small things.  The team has made it far and as the season has progressed added supporters.  Primus Racing has been there to support us week in and week out.  Additionally, and Turn1 Pro Sports have also been there to assist my racing.  Without these supporters our humble team may not have made as far as we have and because of that I owe them a large amount of gratitude.

See you in north country,


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